Tune In Workshop Series

This is what happens in your life & business when you honor your energy & the cycle of your period 👇🏼 

Becoming THE ONE that stands out in your industry, THE ONE that turns heads and lights a fire under people, THE ONE that builds the life of your dreams and it comes naturally.

Doesn’t come from listening to what everyone else on the internet is telling you to do.

It doesn’t come from working harder.

It doesn’t come from the next strategy or “thing” you need to do.

It comes from tuning into the voice within.

It comes when you are tapped into YOU, your period and your Human Design

Leveraging your cycle and embodying your Human Design is HOW you create and sustain a life where your body and your business run on all cylinders every single day, because your business energizes you rather than drains you.

When you sync your cycle to your Human Design, instead of feeling exhausted, drained, irritated you’ll feel:

🔥Clear & confident when making decisions because you’ll know WHEN to make big decisions

🔥Motivated and inspired when creating content because you’ll know HOW to maximize your creative energy

🔥Relieved & fully able to relax when you notice your energy dip because you’ll know WHY this is happening & you can give up feeling guilty about it

It’s time to STOP buying into the masculine “work” structure and START focusing the internal compass that is your cycle, yes YOUR PERIOD, to navigate your productivity and creativity.

I'm going to show you  ways you can be:

* More effective with your communication and delegation in your business with your team and at home with your partner and family

* Plan your monthly, quarterly, bi-yearly launches without the extreme burnout

* Batch your content because you know how to leverage your creative juices when they hit during the month

* Scaling your business with ease because you’re focused on YOUR process and not someone else’s

This workshop series is going to show how to sync your period, human design and business so that you can make a bigger impact and have sustainable energy in your business.

It's all happening inside this 3 part workshop series.

3 Modules

Part 1: Understanding your cycle

In this session, I'm diving into your menstrual cycle so you can understand how your cycle works and how your energy is changing in each phase.

Part 2: The what and how of cycle syncing

In this session, we're going to dive even DEEPER into understanding how your cycle affects your energy, productivity and creativity each month and how to use it to optimize how you're operating in life and business. 

Part 3: Putting it all together with your Human Design

In this session, we're going to put it all together with Human Design and put the physical and energetic pieces together to really help you take BACK your energy, optimize productivity and creativity so that you can build your movement through your business and still be a present, partner, wife, mom, and friend because you know how to use your energy in the best possible way for YOU.

Modules for this product 3
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